Welcome to 2019
Let's Fix Some Stuff

Ever-Learning.com Modernization

Website looking a little outdated? Hired the wrong developer?

Change is inevitable and lessons are learned – I’ve got your back!

The Project:

The client had outsourced the initial construction of their new website to a Nigerian developer.

Yup, we can probably just stop there.

I was hired to modernize it and have the aesthetics match first-world standards.

The challenge? There was already a fully functioning store and Learning Management System (LMS) that were taking payments in real-time.

So how do we re-skin the site without disrupting business?

It took some out-of-the-box thinking, but we got it done.


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Crash and Burn:

I have my own staging sites where I can build mockups and then transfer them to the client’s live website.

The issue I ran into in this instance was that there was a severe case of – and I mean this politely – “I am the developer.”  You aren’t. But Ok, here’s my game plan – does this work?

Was told it did.

And then the CO went silent, bad sign. Employees were let go mid-project. Not good. And the remaining team members got weird.

It happens.

The modernization elements I delivered were in line with what I promised but I didn’t finish the site to my standards.

The look and feel are good enough that I am not embarrassed to add it to my portfolio although there are pages that aren’t finished and the business process going forward is in disarray as evidenced by a lack of updates and missing data on pages.

Lesson learned.

Still – it is a testament to dealing with adversities that sometimes happen.

Stay honorable, deliver what you promised.