A Small Town
Historical Society
Looking Modern

Fairview Area Historical Society

The Fairview Area Historical Society in Pennsylvania had an unlimited budget and money was no option.


Like any small town entity, nickels count.

This volunteer organization had a website that, like itself, was quickly becoming a relic. I loved setting them up for success for generations to come.

The Project:

Small town historical sociey – limited budget.

Ok, so we are starting from scratch.

What are best practices to ensure their success for the next 100 years?

Modernize and future proof?

Deep breathe – let’s do this.





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The Fun Part:

In addition to just “making it look good” and modernizing the website there were a lot of tweaks the staff were unaware of.

Let’s change the “print and mail” membership form.

Let’s set up a calendar of events.

Not knowing what the Internet will look like in 10-20 years – let’s prepare for it.

As we implimented changes and upates, established work-flow, it was awesome to watch the web traffic escalate.

Still working on a few pages and loving watching the site evolve.