Let Me Exceed Your Expectations


There are those who write white papers and those who read them. Best Practices are referred to, yet someone penned them. Standards are crucial - but who develops them and champions their adoption? Through the years, I've had a hand...

About Dan

Studied Graphic Design.

Served in The U.S. Submarine Service. *

Naval Instructor.

Undergrad in Evolutionary Psychology.

Psi Chi Honor Society. *

Minors in Sociology and Anthropology.

Did the Corporate Gig. The Real Deal. *

2006 Time Magazine Person of the Year. *

Dual Masters In Business Administration and Technology Management.

Co-Founded a Successful Company with International Distribution. *

Social Media? Pffffffft. Wrote the Guidelines.

Consultant for Start-Ups.

Freelancing / Meeting Awesome People.

Clamper *


Need to Talk?


Operating Out Of

Silicon Valley, California.
Veteran Owned.


After my second cup of coffee. Please. Other than that I am very flexible.

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